Family Photographer St Albans, Hertfordshire | Documentary Family Photoshoot at home

Family photographer St Albans, Hertfordshire. Documentary style family and newborn photoshoots at home. Mother, newborn baby and dog in their living room, at their house in St Albans.

The newborn photoshoots I do for friends always feel extra special. Back in August (when it was still sunny and hot here in the UK) I spent the morning with the lovely Sara, Rob, Zane and Logan who live in Bramfield, a small village near St Albans, in Hertfordshire. Such a beautiful part of the UK! When you’re nearly at their house, you drive through this gorgeous “tunnel of trees”, it really feels like you’re in a completely different world.

As with all of my documentary family photo sessions, nothing was planned. I always photograph the events as they come. We started off the shoot at home where Zane showed me all of his dinosaurs (he’s got quite the collection!) and I managed to get some lovely closeup shots of little Logan. He was about 7 weeks old at the time of the photoshoot, the perfect age to get those tiny little feet and hands photographed. Babies that age are also already smiling which makes those newborn photos so much more adorable. After a bit of jumping on mum and dad’s bed (always a favourite with the older kids), we then went into the garden to get some family portraits done and I played some football with Zane.

It was a beautiful late Summer day and we decided to take the dog out for a walk in the countryside. The second half of my Slice Of Life photo session is always done outdoors. By taking the family out and about the shoot often gets even more relaxed and natural. I never stop taking photos, so from the moment the family is getting ready to walk out the door, and for the entire walk, I don’t put my camera down. This is how I shot one of my favourite pictures of this shoot - the one of the whole family walking on the pavement, I just love Zane’s big smile in this photo! You can find this photo below together with my other favourites of this family session - I hope you like them as much as I do.

If you and your family live in St Albans, or anywhere else in Hertfordshire, and you would like to book in your own newborn or family photoshoot then I would love to hear from you!


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