Family Photographer Sussex | Tips and tricks on how to take better pictures of your kid(s)

As a family photographer, first based in London, and now in Hove, East Sussex, I think I must have photographed hundreds of kids by now. And, as your Summer family holiday is fast approaching, I thought I’d share share with you my top tips and tricks on how to take better pictures of your children. I also have my own (nearly 4 years old) daughter, so I’m familiar with the challenges that come with taking photos of your own kids.

News flash: you don’t have to be a professional family photographer to improve your photography skills, and you certainly don’t need a professional camera either. Any camera or even phone will do. It’s all about light, composition and timing. Here are my top tips for taking family portraits like a pro. Let me know how you get on!

Search for the light: light is extremely important in photography, and can be quite challenging at times. There are a lot of grey and rainy days here (I mean, we are in the UK after all), but as long there’s daylight, you’re good to go! Work with what you’ve got - and when you see some interesting light pockets, that’s where you can create some gorgeous images that will stand out from the average family photos.

Sussex family photographer. Girl watching videio on sofa during at home photo session in Brighton. How to use light in family photography. Brighton based documentary family photographer.

Frame your subject: I love playing around with the framing of my subject. The image below is one I took of Ivy during a family holiday in Malaga. She loves climbing and found a climbing frame on the beach. The lines of the climbing frame, combined with the bright blue sky, made for a perfect natural “picture frame”.

Sussex family photographer. Girl in climbing frame. Blue sky at the beach. Family documentary photography in Brighton & Hove, East Sussex.

Pick ‘moments’ instead of saying “cheese!”: I know we all do it from time to time, but trust me, making your child say “cheese!” won’t make them look good in a picture. It certainly won’t show them as they are in real life. I always prefer moment driven pictures over staged or posed photos. This is where their true personality comes out, and that’s how I like to create family memories.

Get close… real real close!: I must have said this many times before, but it’s something most people forget to do when they’re taking photos: get close to your subject! It will make your family portraits so much more interesting - and it’s an easy thing to do

Sussex newborn and family photographer. Girl in water on boogie board with her dad. Documentary family photography in East Sussex. Brighton based family photographer.

And, last but not least, change your angle: if you have ever been on a photoshoot with me, you know I move around like a ninja. I stand on sofas, lie on my tummy in the grass, and sometimes balance on one foot to get that shot. Try to create family photos with a perspective you never normally get to see from your normal viewpoint or eyeline. It will make your photos so much more fun, creative and different!

Sussex newborn and family photographer. Girl climbing rocks with dad. Brighton based family documentary photographer.

I really hope you find these tips helpful. Why not try putting them into practice on your next family holiday, when photographing your own kids? Oh, and don’t forget to get yourself in the frame too! :-)

Have a lovely Summer everyone!


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